Pavement-reconstruction on the M1 motorway - Colas Út
Pavement-reconstruction on the M1 motorway
In 2010, the State Motorway Operator picked Colas Út Zrt. to carry out the reconstruction of three sections (chainages 22+200 – 31+000 on the left carriageway; chainages 44+000 – 48+750 and 51+600 – 54+000 km on the right carriageway) on the M1 motorway.

The task involved the renewal of the driving and climbing lanes using two layers of asphalt, and the comprehensive repair of transversal surface cracks. We had 64 days to conclude the project.

The biggest challenge was posed by the elimination of cracks, as the repair required the complete pavement structure to be replaced, and we had to deal with a total of 540 defects.

Client: Állami Autópálya Kezelő Zrt.

Starting date: 17/09/2010Kezdés: 2010.09.17.

Completion date: 20/11/2010Befejezés: 2010.11.20.

Length: 15.95 kmHossz: 15.95 km
Section: 22+200-31+000 km / 44+000-48+750 km / 51+600-54+000 kmSzelvény: 22+200-31+000 km / 44+000-48+750 km / 51+600-54+000 km
Asphalt: 6 500 m3Aszfalt: 6 500 m3
Bite: 6 500 m3Marás: 6 500 m3
Colas Hungária