As part of the project, we are to profile and reinforce the wearing course in the passing- and emergency lanes. Meanwhile, we are also reinforcing the pavement in the driving lane using cold remix technology with materials equivalent to C12 concrete. Our duties also cover the necessary interventions involving the engineering structures on the section, such as the replacement of guardrails or pier-protection. At some spots, we must also replace the complete pavement structure before remixing, and our mixing plant in Kéthely is providing the necessary hotmix. We have 210 days to wrap up the project, from which we used up 84 days last year – this was enough to complete 8 kilometres of the entire stretch in first-rate quality. In 2019, we intend to carry on with the renovation job in two phases, covering 6 kilometres in the spring, and a similar length in the autumn.
Client: Magyar Közút Nonprofit Zrt.
Starting date: 22/08/2018Kezdés: 2018.08.22.
Completion date: 31/03/2019Befejezés: 2019.03.31.
Location: Somogy County