Pavement reconstruction with slipform technology
Our predecessor, Colas Építő Zrt. renovated road 5202 between Taksony and Dabas in May 2009. The pavement was highly deteriorated and heavy HGV traffic also led to extensive rutting – consequently, the tender prescribed the construction of CP 4/2,7-32/S1,XF4 concrete pavement on a complete length of 8,060 m. The client chose concrete pavement instead of asphalt, because the area is home to several gravel quarries, and the related traffic of heavy trailers would have caused regular asphalt pavement to fail within a short time. As a base layer to the concrete, 26 cm of in-situ cemented cold REMIX was installed. As the surface of REMIX tends to be uneven, a layer of AC 11 50/70 type asphalt was laid to level the surface. Finally, the concrete pavement was built with a WIRTGEN SP 500 slipform paver.
Starting date: 01/05/2009Kezdés: 2009.05.01.
Completion date: 31/05/2009Befejezés: 2009.05.31.
Location: Taksony
Length: 8 060 mHossz: 8 060 m