Penny Market logistic center road works
Construction operations for the warehouses of Penny Market’s Veszprém Logistics Centre began in November 2016, and a large variety of roadworks must be performed in connection with the 27,000-m2 facility. We were to establish the service-road network surrounding the main hall, a parking lot for 80 cars, not to mention the necessary sidewalk pavements. The project also entails the renovation of the industrial zone’s access road and the adjacent roundabout. As a notable hindrance, the works were being performed simultaneously with the activities of several other specialised contractors, forcing us to put a lot of effort into coordination and organisation.
Client: KÉSZ Zrt.
Starting date: 04/04/2017Kezdés: 2017.04.04.
Completion date: 15/10/2017Befejezés: 2017.10.15.
Asphalt: 3100 tAszfalt: 3100 t
Kerbstone: 1900 fmSzegély: 1900 fm
Pavers: 2000 m2Térkő: 2000 m2
Kerbstone: 1900 fmSzegély: 1900 fm
Pavers: 2000 m2Térkő: 2000 m2