The project is divided into two parts regulated by separate contracts: one for urban and one for extra-urban segments. In accordance with our 55% share in the consortium, Colas Út is responsible for works on 14 km of extra-urban and 3 km of urban sections.
The two contracts specify different technical scopes. In extra-urban zones (from the border of Pest County to the Jászberény roundabout, from the roundabout to Jászjákóhalma, and between Jászjákóhalma and Jászapáti), the works include pavement reinforcement, 0.75-1 m widening mostly on both sides, landscaping on shoulders, curve corrections, the construction and relocation of bus stops. Operations entail soil exchange and cold remix on some locations. The investment also covers the reconstruction of two bridges, as well as the relocation of telecommunication lines and the erection of bird protection walls.
On urban segments, our duties include the construction of the stormwater drainage system on an approximately 1-km-long section. We were also tasked with exchanging the pavement on a similarly long stretch, upgrading the low-voltage and public lighting power network, reinforcing the pavement, and landscaping the shoulders. In addition to these items, a bridge is also to be renovated on one of the urban sections, a significant number of telecommunication lines await relocation, and we are also to build two speed-reducing median islands.
Client: Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt.
Starting date: 21/10/2013Kezdés: 2013.10.21.
Completion date: 27/03/2015Befejezés: 2015.03.27.
Number of lanes: 2x1Sávok száma: 2x1
Asphalt: 93 300 tAszfalt: 93 300 t
Concrete: 10 800 m3Beton: 10 800 m3
Earthworks: 53 300 m3Földmunka: 53 300 m3
Number of structures: 3Műtárgyak száma: 3