Renovation of Eger’s historical city centre - Colas Út
Renovation of Eger’s historical city centre
The three-strong PCC Consortium began renovation works of the Dobó Square and the city centre on 2 December 2013. The chief objective of the project was to transform the square to retain its historical atmosphere while being modern in appearance and suitable for hosting various events. To achieve this goal, we will form more paved surfaces, plant additional trees, and use premium quality materials.

The job required the paving of 24 000 m2 with natural stone materials. In addition, we will also carry out the replacement and modernisation of public utilities under the affected areas, as well as the installation of new public lighting and fountains.

The figure of István Dobó – the 16th century Hungarian military leader the square was named after – and the equestrian statues of his contemporary border-guarding cavalrymen were temporarily removed and transported to our Egerbakta plant, where restorers began cleansing the statues with quartz sand, fixing their defects and, subsequently, applying the final patina coating. The Dobó statue is to be set up at its old spot, while the other figures will decorate the Szúnyog Lane, which is to be renamed to honour the 15th-16th century warriors.

Starting date: 02/12/2013Kezdés: 2013.12.02.

Completion date: 13/09/2014Befejezés: 2014.09.13.

Location: Eger

Area: 24 000 m2Terület: 24 000 m2
Colas Hungária