Renovation of South Central Budapest - Colas Út
Renovation of South Central Budapest
The South Central Budapest reconstruction project continued in 2013 with the renovation of five streets – the job was carried out by the consortium uniting Colas Út Zrt. and Colas Alterra Zrt.

The works affected sections of Só, Bástya and Veres Pálné Streets and the entire length of the Fejér György and Szarka Streets. The remodelling was done in a wall-to-wall fashion – therefore, the replacement of the road pavement was supplemented with the renovation of parking lanes, curbs and pedestrian surfaces. Within limitations imposed by the narrow inner-city environment, green areas were also expanded. The reconstructed area became friendlier and more comfortable, yet it retained its distinct atmosphere from Budapest’s golden age of the early 20th century. In addition, a section of the sidewalk in Só Street was constructed to show the line of the old city walls to passers-by.

Starting date: 06/03/2013Kezdés: 2013.03.06.

Completion date: 20/08/2013Befejezés: 2013.08.20.

Location: Budapest

Length: 418 mHossz: 418 m
Asphalt: 192 tAszfalt: 192 t
Concrete: 92 m3Beton: 92 m3
Earthworks: 25 m3Földmunka: 25 m3
Kerbstone: 1 031 mSzegély: 1 031 m
Area: 1 609 m2Terület: 1 609 m2
Colas Hungária