Renovation works in Szarvas - Colas Út
Renovation works in Szarvas
Kossuth Square in the city centre of Szarvas was remodelled, while Main Square was also refurbished, and Kossuth Street received new decorative pavement built by Colas Út Zrt. In addition, the Bolza Walkway and Vajda Péter Street with the surroundings of the Ó–templom (Old Church) are shining in new colours. As an elegant detail, renovated streets and squares were made even more pleasing to the eye with the crosier-shaped lampposts of the public lighting network installed by Colas Út.

The company constructed some 7600 m2 of decorative pavement, 1500 m of curbs, installed 92 trash cans, 87 palm tree pots, six park benches, 80 bicycle racks, and planted 87 saplings.

The investment – which also involves several architectural elements – will enrich the renovated street with four limestone fountainettes and six flower beds lined with clinker bricks. According to plans of the local government, the street will be declared a car-free zone in the future.

Starting date: 15/05/2013Kezdés: 2013.05.15.

Completion date: 20/08/2014Befejezés: 2014.08.20.

Location: Szarvas

Area: 7 600 m2Terület: 7 600 m2
Colas Hungária