Road 55 Mórahalom bypass - Colas Út
Road 55 Mórahalom bypass
On assignment by NIF Zrt., construction works were commenced on the bypass road for Mórahalom in April 2014.

Running parallel with the state border and linking Szeged with Bátaszék, secondary main road 55 is an important traffic corridor of the Southern Alföld and Southern Transdanubian regions. Due to its position and alignment, the road also plays a significant role in international traffic, since it provides access to border crossings to three countries: Nagylak (Hungarian-Romanian border), Röszke, Ásotthalom, Tompa and Hercegszántó (Hungarian-Serbian border), and Udvar (Hungarian-Croatian border). As another important feature of the route, it covers the southernmost permanent crossing point – the Türr István Bridge in the town of Baja – over the Danube in Hungary.

Up to Mélykút in Bács-Kiskun County, the road passes through only one built-up area: the city of Mórahalom. Steadily increasing congestion highlighted the importance of relieving the settlement from traffic load. In recent years, Mórahalom has undergone rapid development, and values of touristic importance also required the diversion of crossing vehicles.

The completely new stretch of road is to be built on a length of 7.1 km in 2×1 lane configuration, with three roundabout interchanges. A new, 26-m-long, three-span reinforced concrete bridge is to be constructed by Colas Hungária Zrt. over the Vágói Channel. In addition, we are to plant 944 trees and 26 700 shrubs along the carriageway.

Having won the public procurement procedure, construction works of the Mórahalom bypass are to be carried out by the Colas Út Zrt. – Délút Kft. consortium in the value of 4 633 473 901 forints. The project is part of the New Széchenyi Plan and the Transport Operational Programme, with a part of the funding coming from the EU.

Client: Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt.

Starting date: 15/04/2014Kezdés: 2014.04.15.

Completion date: 30/06/2015Befejezés: 2015.06.30.

Location: Mórahalom

Length: 7.1 kmHossz: 7.1 km
Number of lanes: 2x1Sávok száma: 2x1
Asphalt: 15 103 m3Aszfalt: 15 103 m3
Concrete: 11 330 m3Beton: 11 330 m3
Earthworks: 132 781 m3Földmunka: 132 781 m3
Number of structures: 1Műtárgyak száma: 1
Colas Hungária