Road- and public utility construction works for Chemark Kft.
Besides orders from the public sector, we are also present on the market of private investments. One of our recently completed jobs – in the value of 150 million forints – was also ordered by a private client.
The Veszprém Engineering Unit of Colas Út Zrt. was tasked by Chemark Kft. in Peremarton with performing public utility relocation (water, power, telephone) and construction (stormwater drain, potable water) works for a new storage hall and storage areas, as well as building one roundabout interchange, loading bays and link roads. We were assigned the job through an invitational tender in May 2014, with a completion deadline in October.
Client: Chemark Kft.
Starting date: 05/05/2014Kezdés: 2014.05.05.
Completion date: 27/10/2014Befejezés: 2014.10.27.
Asphalt: 1 600 tAszfalt: 1 600 t
Concrete: 1 300 m3Beton: 1 300 m3
Earthworks: 3 500 m3Földmunka: 3 500 m3
Kerbstone: 1 600 lmSzegély: 1 600 lm
Concrete: 1 300 m3Beton: 1 300 m3
Earthworks: 3 500 m3Földmunka: 3 500 m3
Kerbstone: 1 600 lmSzegély: 1 600 lm