With the completion of the project, Lágymányosi Bridge – one of Budapest’s busiest bridges – is now accessible from the M1-M7 motorway via a two-lane road along the entire stretch. The project was launched in February 2010 and was completed in early October, three weeks ahead of the contracted deadline. The completely new traffic-control network along the entire section has been linked to an operating system that synchronizes the traffic-light-controlled junction points throughout the entire length of the road from M1-M7 to the bridge. We sincerely hope that the work will help us reinforce our position in the Budapest roadwork market.
Starting date: 09/02/2010Kezdés: 2010.02.09.
Completion date: 01/10/2010Befejezés: 2010.10.01.
Location: Budapest
Number of lanes: 2x2Sávok száma: 2x2
Asphalt: 16 500 tAszfalt: 16 500 t
Earthworks: 16 000 m3Földmunka: 16 000 m3