Southern Buda Relief-Road, Phase 3 (Andor Street) - Colas Út
Southern Buda Relief-Road, Phase 3 (Andor Street)
The tasks in Phase III of the Southern Buda relief road construction project on Andor Street were finished ahead of schedule.

With the completion of the project, Lágymányosi Bridge – one of Budapest’s busiest bridges – is now accessible from the M1-M7 motorway via a two-lane road along the entire stretch. The project was launched in February 2010 and was completed in early October, three weeks ahead of the contracted deadline. The completely new traffic-control network along the entire section has been linked to an operating system that synchronizes the traffic-light-controlled junction points throughout the entire length of the road from M1-M7 to the bridge. We sincerely hope that the work will help us reinforce our position in the Budapest roadwork market.

Starting date: 09/02/2010Kezdés: 2010.02.09.

Completion date: 01/10/2010Befejezés: 2010.10.01.

Location: Budapest

Length: 2 kmHossz: 2 km
Number of lanes: 2x2Sávok száma: 2x2
Asphalt: 16 500 tAszfalt: 16 500 t
Earthworks: 16 000 m3Földmunka: 16 000 m3
Colas Hungária