Widening and reinforcement of main road 4 - Colas Út
Widening and reinforcement of main road 4
The consortium composed of Colas Út Zrt. and Strabag Általános Építő Kft. won the pavement reinforcement and widening tender for an approximately 7-km-long stretch of main road 4 between the Hajdúszoboszló bypass and the M35 motorway. Construction works were kicked off in mid-July 2013 with a completion deadline of 20 January 2014.

The reconstruction of the section comes just in time, as the asphalt pavement has deteriorated and its width has also proved insufficient in light of traffic conditions. We added the extra width on one side of the road (left hand side if proceeding according to chainages).

The reconstruction job included setting up a completely new interchange along main road 4, which required a significant amount of earthworks. We established right turning lanes and acceleration lanes on both sides. The renovation of two existing junctions (Ebes, Curver) also forms a part of our duties. In addition to the road pavement, we also reconstructed the sidewalk at the Ebes junction.

The contract also specifies the relocation of numerous public utilities: 20 kV power cable poles, telecommunication networks and four hydrocarbon lines. New public lighting has been installed at two interchanges, including the erection of new lampposts.

On the construction stage assigned to Colas Út Zrt., all three asphalt courses were completed on the main carriageway in October, while other roads will be finished until mid-November. On Strabag’s section, asphalt laying for the main carriageway will be finalised until the end of November.

Starting date: 15/07/2013Kezdés: 2013.07.15.

Completion date: 20/01/2014Befejezés: 2014.01.20.

Location: Debrecen

Asphalt: 21 000 tAszfalt: 21 000 t
Concrete: 3 100 m3Beton: 3 100 m3
Colas Hungária