2015. 09. 18..
Construction of the Szeleste-Hegyfalu section of the M86 high-speed road was performed with close cooperation from Colas Út. The 7.5-kilometre-long leg was opened to traffic on 18 September.
As part of the construction works, 7.5 km of 2×2-lane road was built, along with one multi-level interchange (of main roads M86 and 84), 1,891 metres of corrections on national public roads (road 84331, main roads 84 and 86), 1,056 m of crossing earth roads, 8,929 m of parallel earth roads, and 12 engineering structures (eight overpasses and four underpasses).
Furthermore, we also performed railway-construction works during the 23-month-long construction period, which comprised 4,100 m2 of bed landscaping, 7,900 m3 of bed corrections, and the relocation of 2,710 m of telecommunication cables, 8,161 m of power lines, 138 m of water pipes, and 632 m of gas lines.