2016. 06. 13..
The goal of the trade day, organised on 7 June, was to bring back bitumen emulsion technologies, which had been used extensively in the past, but have been sidelined since. The welcome speeches of József Attila Szilvai, the deputy CEO of Magyar Közút, and Tibor Veress, the chairman of HAPA, were followed by a presentation from Etienne Le Bouteiller, the executive director of the International Bitumen Emulsion Federation (IBEF), on bitumen emulsion techniques in use around the world and the related aspects of sustainability.
Subsequently, Nicolas Pezas, the road operation manager of the Gironde region, detailed clients’ expectations with regard to bitumen emulsions – as a reply, Pál Fülöp, the division manager of Magyar Közút added his thoughts in light of the Hungarian circumstances. György Zsiga, the CEO of Colas Út Zrt, held his lecture on the role of bitumen emulsions in pavement structures, Györgyné Csontos expounded on the experience gained in connection with emulsion technologies at Duna Aszfalt Kft, Tamás Kovács, the CTO of Bitunova Kft talked about surface coatings, whereas the presentation of Tibor Markó, the CTO of Stravia Kft, focussed on cold bitumen emulsion mixtures for pavements. After lunch, the guests paid a visit to the recently modernised bitumen emulsion plant of Colas Út.