Enese bypass section on the M85
The Enese bypass section was built by the CÉ-LA 2009 Consortium founded by consortium leader Colas Út Zrt. and member Lavinamix Kft.
Lavinamix was tasked with performing earthworks up to the level of stabilisation, while Colas performed pavement construction works, public utility relocations, water engineering jobs and the erected five bridges on the section.
Two half-clover-shaped interchanges were built on the 7-km-long section: one at the starting chainage enabling entry and exit towards Győr, and the other in the vicinity of Enese, at the crossing of road 8417. Near the terminal chainage, a temporary interchange was also set up to facilitate the connection between the main road and the M85.
Starting date: 23/06/2009Kezdés: 2009.06.23.
Completion date: 02/12/2011Befejezés: 2011.12.02.
Location: Enese
Length: 7 kmHossz: 7 km
Section: 6+800-13+800 kmSzelvény: 6+800-13+800 km
Number of lanes: 2x2Sávok száma: 2x2
Asphalt: 85 000 tAszfalt: 85 000 t
Concrete: 43 000 m3Beton: 43 000 m3
Earthworks: 1 200 000 m3Földmunka: 1 200 000 m3
Number of structures: 5Műtárgyak száma: 5
Section: 6+800-13+800 kmSzelvény: 6+800-13+800 km
Number of lanes: 2x2Sávok száma: 2x2
Asphalt: 85 000 tAszfalt: 85 000 t
Concrete: 43 000 m3Beton: 43 000 m3
Earthworks: 1 200 000 m3Földmunka: 1 200 000 m3
Number of structures: 5Műtárgyak száma: 5