Construction works comprised two major engineering structures: an overpass over the Debrecen-Tiszalök railway line, and a wildlife crossing established at chainage 1+564 km. As part of a separate order, we also upgraded the traffic control system of adjoining roads and the M35 motorway.
In order to comply with strict environmental regulations, we installed game fences, noise barriers and bird protection walls along both sides of the entire stretch of road. Due to further environmental considerations, we also carried out extensive plantation works.
Taking into account the growing season of plants and birds, construction works had to be suspended between April and September 2011. Consequently, the completion deadline was modified to 15 November 2012.
The technical handing over of the bypass road was closed successfully on 13 December 2012, and the new section was opened to traffic on 23 January 2013.
Client: Nemzeti Infrastruktúra Fejlesztő Zrt.
Starting date: 15/06/2009Kezdés: 2009.06.15.
Completion date: 13/12/2012Befejezés: 2012.12.13.
Location: Debrecen
Number of lanes: 2x1Sávok száma: 2x1
Asphalt: 20 714 m3Aszfalt: 20 714 m3
Concrete: 22 855 m3Beton: 22 855 m3
Earthworks: 370 000 m3Földmunka: 370 000 m3
Number of structures: 2Műtárgyak száma: 2