Szeged, Vásárhelyi Pál street rehabilitation - Colas Út
Szeged, Vásárhelyi Pál street rehabilitation
Under the reconstruction programme, two traffic lanes – in a width of 14 m, and a length of 515 m – were built in each traffic direction on Vásárhelyi Pál Street, partially by reinforcing the existing pavement, and partially by paving new road sections. The works entailed the laying of some 3100 tonnes of asphalt.

In addition to the bicycle lanes and pavements on both sides of the road, four bus stops (each of them with a shelter) and 20 bike racks were also installed. By grassing 2400 square metres of surfaces and planting nearly 700 saplings and shrubs, we completely transformed the appearance of the street.

Besides 10-20 kV telecommunication lines, lamppost installations and other public utility works, construction of the Rókus-Móraváros main collector using pipe jacking technology was one of the crucial phases of the job. We laid DN 1000 pipes with micro-tunnelling technology on an aggregate length of 226 m, and DN 1200 pipes – passing underneath the busy Kálvária Boulevard – on an aggregate length of 377 m. To make the latter operation more challenging, the jacked pipe passed only 50 cm under the existing 1200-mm-diameter rainwater main collector line located in the axis of Kálvária Boulevard.

The temporary rainwater transfer pump set up in the intersection of Móravárosi Avenue and Kálvária Boulevard transfers water delivered by the main collector to Lake Sancer through a newly built, 446-m-long pressurised drain line.

As a result of the project, Vásárhelyi Pál Street was upgraded to 2×2 lane configuration on its entire length, providing a proper link for motor vehicles and bicycles between the northern and southern neighbourhoods of Szeged.

Client: Szeged Megyei Jogú Város Önkormányzata

Starting date: 25/06/2012Kezdés: 2012.06.25.

Completion date: 17/12/2012Befejezés: 2012.12.17.

Location: Szeged

Length: 515 mHossz: 515 m
Asphalt: 3 100 tAszfalt: 3 100 t
Colas Hungária