At the moment, we are building the retaining wall and adjoining foundation slab, which is a precondition for carrying on with the rest of the job. The project covers the relocation of several public utilities, including potable water and sewage networks, low- and mid-voltage power lines together with the connected transformer station, and telecommunication cables used by service providers T-Com and Invitel. Actual works on the turbo roundabout can only be started after wrapping up all the aforementioned preliminary work phases.
Meanwhile, two further external factors add to the complexity of the task at hand. Firstly, the junction is located in a densely-built urban environment, where buildings are in close proximity to the site, and relocating the large-diameter storm sewer requires groundwater levels to be lowered. Furthermore, traffic has to be maintained at all times during the project. Consequently, shutting off any leg of the intersection calls for temporary detours to be set up in the entire neighbourhood. Works are expected to come to a close by late November 2019.
Starting date: 02/09/2018Kezdés: 2018.09.02.
Completion date: 30/11/2019Befejezés: 2019.11.30.
Location: Kecskemét