Search results - Colas Út


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The largest volume of work is taking place at the Délegyháza station, where three lift shafts, three staircases and a
The consortium of Colas Út Zrt. and Délút Kft. is building a road in Szeged, on the site of the
The approximately 32 km of track to be resurfaced will pass through five junctions and two rest areas. In addition
Innovative technologies were also used for wearing course and binder course replacement during the rehabilitation of the motorway section.
We have created a road link between two municipalities on the Hungarian-Slovakian border, which had been separated for decades separated
The railway bridge over the Danube-Tisza canal, which is part of the Budapest-Belgrade railway line, is of particular importance for
The development will be achieved by upgrading and renovating the crossing section of Bátonyterenye, building a new bypass and creating
The planned investment concerns a 10 km section of the main road 441. Roundabouts will be built at the beginning
The construction of the Sajószentpéter-Berente bypass was made necessary by the traffic jams and congestion, as well as the enormous
On 19 August, the third phase of the Jászberény bypass was handed over on the outskirts of Jászberény.
The existing road will be renovated and widened, and a completely new track will also be built by the consortium
The renovation of Október huszonharmadika street and Irinyi József street has been completed, Budapest Transport Centre announced. From Fehérvári street
Cyclists didn't have to wait long to cycle on another section of the Budapest-Balaton (BUBA) cycle route. As we wrote
Last time, in May, we wrote about the ongoing development of the 441 main road between Kecskemét and Nagykőrös, which
Humus removal and subsoil stabilization are currently underway, as well as the construction of a transport route in parallel.
The aim is the quality improvement in the lives of the residents of Jászberény and the commuters.
Currently, finishing works are underway in the work area: hydraulic engineering, humming, construction of traffic technology.
The deadline for the completion of the technical handover procedure is 31 August 2021.
The memorial place created at the M86 Rábaközi resting place, in Hungary has its origin in the XV century.
Construction works began in 2018 and happened in several phases.
Gyöngyös bitumenemulzió üzem
Information on bitumen emulsion sales Ildikó Lancsák, sales manager E-mail: Telephone: +36 20 378 1690 Kozák András, sales representative E-mail:
Debrecen-Apafa aszfaltkeverő telep
Mixing equipment: Ammann Uniglob 240 Commissioned in: 2005 Rated output: 240 tonnes/hour Energy supply: natural gas / fuel oil Recycling
Dunaharaszti aszfaltkeverő telep
Mixing equipment: Amman Uniglob 240 Commissioned in: 2006 Rated output: 240 tonnes/hour Energy supply: natural gas / LPG Recycling system:
Mixing equipment: Ammann Unibatch 240 P Commissioned in: 2019 Rated output: 240 tonnes/hour Energy supply: natural gas / fuel oil
Jászberény aszfaltkeverő telep
Mixing equipment: Marini Map 155 Commissioned in: 2006 Rated output: 150 tonnes/hour Energy supply: natural gas/ LPG Recycling system: in
Kéthely aszfaltkeverő telep
Mixing equipment: Bennighoven TBA 2000 Commissioned in: 2016 Rated output: 160 tonnes/hour Energy supply: coal dust / diesel fuel Recycling
Kiskunfélegyháza aszfaltkeverő telep
Mixing equipment: Teltomat 120 Commissioned in: 2000 Rated output: 120 tonnes/hour Energy supply: natural gas / LPG Recycling system: in
Táplánypuszta aszfaltkeverő telep 2
Mixing equipment: Benninghoven TBA 160 U Commissioned in: 2009 Rated output: 160 tonnes/hour Energy supply: natural gas / fuel oil
Mixing equipment: Benninghoven TBA 180 Commissioned in: 2019 Rated output: 180 tonnes/hour Energy supply: natural gas / LPG Recycling system:
The M70 branches off from motorway M7 near Letenye, winding along the Croatian border in the valley of the Mur
In February 2018, we set out to perform the four-lane extension of main road 76 near the capital of Zala
We are currently working on connecting the city of Eger to Hungary’s high-speed road network with a 2x2-lane road, which
On the 24-kilometre-long path of section II, we are required to build 2x2 traffic lanes with additional hard-paved emergency lanes
As part of the Budapest–Balaton bicycle road project, Colas works on a section between Biatorbágy and Etyek.
Handover is complete on the M86 at Vámoscsalád and Rábaköz. Construction works have been in progress during the past two
The second section has been completed on M4 in the region within a year. The task of Colas on the
The South-Korean SK Innovation realized their plant in the Komárom industrial park. They will produce batteries used in electric cars.
Our excellent professional relationship with the Gyermelyi pasta factory manifested in a new assignment. The road and parking-lot construction operations had
This time, our contract covers the realisation of a 48,000 square metre asphalt-paved parking lot for the storage of newly-assembled
Both Colas Út and Colas Alterra participated in making the investment happen. The two Colas subsidiaries formed a consortium to
Colas Út Zrt. was entrusted with renovating the parking area of Aldi’s Mór supermarket, and we set out to perform
Construction operations for the warehouses of Penny Market’s Veszprém Logistics Centre began in November 2016, and a large variety of
The groundbreaking ceremony of the 17.7 kilometer long bike road was held on 10th October.
As a subcontractor of Swietelsky Magyarország, Colas Út Zrt. carried out the road-construction works related to the new 30,000-square-metre warehouse
Erdészeti út Zala megyében 2
On assignment from Zalaerdő Zrt., we have renovated a 4,860-metre-long stretch of deteriorated forest road between Pusztamagyaród and Szentpéterfölde with
Átadtuk a csepeli gerincút I. ütemét 2
The Colas Csepel Ridge-road Consortium completed works for one of the major development schemes conducted by the Budapest Local Authority,
Épül a csepeli külső gerincút
Constructed by Colas Út, the Szigetszentmiklós branch of the Csepel ridge-road starts at the interchange of road 51101 and motorway
Automatikus vázlat 37
The Colas Csepel Ridge-road Consortium completed works for one of the major development schemes conducted by the Budapest Local Authority.
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Colas Út Zrt. has recently deployed to Barros Square in order to commence works for the project officially entitled “Budapest’s
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Colas Út and SADE Magyarország Kft. started the refurbishment of the main square in Békéscsaba last year.
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On 13 November 2013, the foundation stone laying ceremony took place for the joint bypass section of the M30 motorway
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As part of the surface reconstruction works related to Budapest’s Metro Line 4 project, we were performing asphalt wearing course
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Colas Út contributed to building nine of the aforementioned facilities in Cigánd, Kemecse, Kékcse, Monok, Mórahalom, Törökbálint, Hatvan and Nyíregyháza,
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In October 2014, we set out to reconstruct Tél Street in Újpest (Budapest’s District IV). The project is scheduled to
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Our previous, WR 2500 cold recycler and soil stabiliser had to be replaced during the summer. In August, we received
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In order to fit the latest road construction criteria, the new machines fulfil all modern requirements.
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In November 2014, pavement-structure construction works commenced on the Szeleste-Hegyfalu section of the M86 high-speed main road.
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Colas Út Zrt. was the consortium leader of the 115 kN axis load reconstruction works of main road 31 in
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After a several-year-long break, Colas Út continued to refresh its existing fleet of machines, because the average age of compactors
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Since 1 September, the asphalt mixing plants of Colas Út Zrt. offer bitumen emulsion in smaller volumes in the form
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Colas Út had to complete works on 8 km outside, and nearly 7.5 km within built-up areas.
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Construction of the Szeleste-Hegyfalu section of the M86 high-speed road was performed with close cooperation from Colas Út. The 7.5-kilometre-long
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Construction works for the newest mixing plant of Colas Út have recently come to an end.
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Colas Út plans to replace two of its emulsion sprinklers in 2016.
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The goal of the trade day, organised on 7 June, was to bring back bitumen emulsion technologies, which had been
Alapkőletétel a Hódmezővásárhely elkerülőn
The ground breaking ceremony, held on 30 November 2016, was attended by László B. Nagy, development official of Csongrád County
Indulhat az M4-es Ceglédet elkerülő szakasza 4
The groundbreaking ceremony of the Üllő-Cegléd section of motorway M4 was held on 28 April near Üllő.
The handover ceremony for the new equipment took place on 10 May 2019.
Two machines, bought by the company in the early 2000s, were replaced with Vögele S1900-3i and Volvo P7820D models
We are installing some 20,000 cubic metres of materials each day.
Colas Út and Colas Hungária joined forces to secure the construction works for the second section of the M30 motorway
Road 84116 in Veszprém County runs between Main Road 8 and the intersection with Road 8403 in the village of
The HUF 1.57-billion investment aims to develop the transport network of Mester Rd and the surrounding areas for the sake
For the first time ever, Colas Út is working as a general contractor in the capital of Vas County, where
Aktuál Bau Kft. was the general contractor of the logistics center of Valeo Auto-Electric Magyarország in Veszprém. Colas was building roads for
ThyssenKrupp út- és járdaépítés 1
On 1 July 2016, we signed a contract with Grabarics Kft. for carrying out road-construction works at the production plant
Út- és közműépítés a Chemark Kft.-nek 2
Besides orders from the public sector, we are also present on the market of private investments. One of our recently
The consortium of Colas Út Zrt., Colas Hungária Zrt. and Colas Közlekedésépítő Kft. edged out the competition in the public
M4 autópálya II-es építési szakasz (Albertirsa-Cegléd)
The consortium uniting Colas Út Zrt. (as consortium leader), Colas Közlekedésépítő Zrt. and Colas Hungária Zrt. was engaged by the
The northern phase of the M25 starts near chainage 0+000 of road 2502, and ends at the roundabout established as
21-es út II. szakasz négynyomúsítás
As the leader of a consortium also having Colas Hungária among its members, Colas Út Zrt. has recently entered into
21-es sz. főút előzési sávok építése 1
Starting out in the centre of Hatvan and crossing the M3 motorway, main road 21 runs north towards Salgótarján in
Útfelújítás a Bocskai úton 2
Under the project entitled “Construction works of the 2016 road renovation programme, phase III”, BKK (Centre for Budapest Transport) requested
47-es út Hódmezővásárhely elkerülő 4
The tender was won by Colas Út Zrt. in consortium with Délút Kft., Colas Közlekedésépítési Kft. and Colas Hungária Zrt. The Colas Group
M85 autóút Győr-Enese 5
Following the Enese bypass section constructed in 2011, Colas is building two further legs of the M85. Construction works for
Colas Hungária