Search result - Colas Alterra


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The final touches have been put to the Lake Balaton drainage system, with several weirs and sluices being renewed, but
Colas Alterra will carry out the works for the construction of utilities, roads and landscaping for the Dürer Sor 17-23
Reconstruction works in urban environment (VI. Csengery u. (Szondi u. - Podmaniczky u.) was carried out while maintaining public services
The reconstruction of the Zuhatag Street tram stop included the accessibility of the stop, the reconstruction of the elevated platform
The Hűvösvölgyi road curved track reconstruction project included track construction, upgrading of the overhead electrical network and extension and modernisation
The last decades are coming to an end in Budapest the largest investment in drinking water quality in decades, the
The City Park project included the development of infrastructure (utilities and roads) around the Museum of Ethnography, the Hungarian House
The following works are being carried out by Colas Alterra during the construction of the Pest-Northern part of the flood
The LV2 infrastructure development around the new logistics hall of the Bosch Group in Maklar is being carried out by
Technical data: - 30 000+ m3 excavation - 50 000+ tonnes of crushed stone - 16 000+ m3 of concrete
Technical data: water supply, planned daily industrial water demand: 24 000 m3/day, planned daily drinking water demand: 3 000 m3/day
The aim of the project is the development of flood protection in the Alsó-Tisza.
The project is expected to be completed on November 19, 2022, in 38 months.
The works on Lake Velence started in 2018. They are currently at a 50% level. The project is expected to
On June 22, 2020, Colas Alterra Zrt. in consortium with SADE Magyarország Mélyépítő Kft. are beginning to expand the channel
Szilas-patak híd, Rákospalotai határút
The Rákospalota boundary road is connecting the eastern M0 sector and the Szentmihályi út. We built a bridge crossing the
For several years now, we have had a fruitful partnership with MOL Petrolkémia Zrt., and previous works recently manifested in
Within an undertaking that embodies true international cooperation, Colas Alterra is currently working in České Budějovice following an order from
The project – involving Colas Alterra as a consortium member – is intended to enhance the water discharge capacity of
COL3 LOT3 Baross utcai tehermentesítő csatorna 8
The drain construction job is related to the Budapest Central Wastewater Treatment Plant project, and its goal is to relieve already existing main
BKISZ V. Budaörs 2
The objective of the Budapest Complex Integrated Sewage Disposal project is to solve issues dating back a decade in areas
Csatornaépítés a Halomi úton 1
The reconstruction was rendered necessary by the deteriorated state of the main collector, which was built back in the 1980s
Budapest Komplex Integrált Szennyvízelvezetése (BKISZ) III/1 3
Colas Alterra’s participation continues in the complex wastewater disposal network of Budapest. The scheme affects Districts XXI, XXII and XI
Colas Alterra was again among the sponsors of the opening round of the 2020 X-Trial World Championship in 19 January
The plaquette named after Hungarian engineer Hugó Lampl born in 1883 was inaugurated on 19th November at the Siófok wastewater
Siófok’s new sewage treatment plant is currently being constructed by the SIÓ 2014 Consortium on the banks of the Sió
As the leader of the Velence 2016 consortium, Colas Alterra Zrt. has been selected to carry out the 10-billion-forint project
The Hermina Happy Land passive house is constructed by Colas Alterra in Budapest's District XIV.
Both Colas Út and Colas Alterra participated in making the investment happen. The two Colas subsidiaries formed a consortium to
Instructors and students visited the multifunctional water drainage structure under construction at Tass
Construction works for two new pools at the Apc slag-powder deposit had come to a close in 2018 and a
Építőipari Nívódíjat kapott a szegedi főgyűjtő
Colas Alterra has been awarded a Construction Industry Award for Excellence for the Szeged main collector, where we applied EBP
60 éves a Colas Alterra 3
Alterra celebrated the 60th anniversary of its foundation with a grandiose celebration held on the Európa Ship.
Újra a Csepeli Szennyvíztisztítón dolgozik az Alterra 1
Following completion of the project involving the design and execution of the tertiary treatment phase in the BCWTP, the remaining
Automatikus vázlat 60
The joint venture of STRABAG-MML Kft. and Colas Alterra Zrt. is reconstructing Baross square in connection with the metro line
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The Centre for Budapest Transport signed a contract with the consortium founded by Colas Alterra and A-HÍD for the complex
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Colas Alterra Zrt. is participating as a subcontractor in the sewage treatment plant expansion project of the South-eastern Hungarian smalltown.
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We entered two – related, yet distinct – projects into the 2013 Construction Industry Award for Excellence competition.
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Back in October 2013, the consortium uniting A-HÍD Zrt. and Colas Alterra Zrt. won the public procurement procedure for the
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One of the faculty’s most prestigious programmes, the Civil Engineering Week was held between 28 September and 1 October 2015
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With the support of Colas Alterra, the Bridge Builders’ Society held the third annual Bridge Builders’ Day on 16 May,
Colas Alterra replaced one of its maintenance vans with an all-electric Nissan
...while on the job?
The highest structural component was installed in late October
Following last spring’s event, the season-opening race of the X-Trial world championship series was held in the László Papp Budapest
Operations will soon go ahead in the new treatment plant.
We created the longest tramline of the Hungarian capital
20 000 cubic metres of concrete, 2600 tonnes of rebar, 10 storeys in 3 minutes
Lines 4 and 6 running on Budapest’s Grand Boulevard are among the busiest tramlines in Central Europe – therefore, the
This project for the public transport system in the capital involved modernisation of the tracks used by Siemens Combino trams
Colas Alterra secured the job in early 2019, requiring the company to extend the useful capacity of the current reservoir
Jaguar Land Rover gyár csapadékvízgyűjtő hálózat 1
A member of the Colas Group, Cesty Nitra a.s., started infrastructure-construction works related to the Jaguar Land Rover factory in
We signed a contract on 17 July 2017 for structural building tasks and the closely related earthworks at a new
Tiszaújvárosi szabadtéri gyógymedence
To be completed by Colas Alterra Zrt., the investment was launched on January 22, 2010 with the ceremonious opening of the construction site,
Hermina Happy Land 1
As a response to growing demands on the real estate market, Hermina Center Ingatlanforgalmazó Kft. has launched its “Hermina Happy
The project is made up of four major elements: we are constructing floodgates on the Dongér and Sámson-Apátfa channels, and
The consortium called to life by Colas Alterra Zrt. and Siemens Zrt. is extending Budapest’s tramline 1 up to Etele Square.
Duna alatti átvezetés
The Budapest Central Wastewater Treatment Plant was built on the northern edge of the Csepel Island, which receives sewage water
Sodorvonali bevezetés 3
The main currentline discharge of the Budapest Central Wastewater Treatment Plant is one of the biggest outer diameter (3,000 mm)
Tiszaroffi árapasztó tározó 3
The Tiszaroff flood overflow reservoir, constructed by COLAS-ALTERRA, was handed over on 9 July 2009. The reservoir is located between
The works contract has been awarded to the consortium of Colas Alterra and Strabag, allowing us to assume a key
In early 2017, a public procurement procedure was launched in connection with the utility construction works related to the comprehensive
The project entitled “Development of sewage disposal and treatment in Northern and Central Transdanubia” required us to build or upgrade
Észak-pesti rakpart sétány 2
In 2017, Hungary will host the 17th FINA World Aquatics Championships with Budapest as the event’s central venue. As part
Varga csatorna mederrendezés Székesfehérvár
We commenced the regulation works of the Varga Channel in Székesfehérvár following the corresponding order from the local authority. The
Villamosperon felújítás Újbudán
In the spring of 2016, the consortium of Colas Alterra and Colas Út competed successfully for the reconstruction of platforms under the first
Automatikus vázlat 450
With the primary goal of renovating the city’s potable water- and sewage lines, the local government of Székesfehérvár has recently
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From the autumn of 2015 to this February, we were working on repairing damages to the lower quays of Buda and Pest
Bartók Béla úti távhővezeték csere 2
Our specialists replaced the deteriorated, concrete-encased twin-heating pipeline under Bartók Béla Road in Budapest’s District XI. The works were ordered by
Száva és Hungária kocsiszín felújítása 3
With the intention of upgrading its fleet, the BKK (Centre for Budapest Transport) has recently purchased 47 brand-new trams from CAF. The new
Nyugati tér rekonstrukció
For years, one of the busiest squares in Budapest’s city centre has been craving for renewal. Colas Út Zrt. and
Hulladékválogató telep, Budapest X. kerület 1
Colas Alterra was working in the Hungarian capital’s District X on a new facility of Budapest’s eco-friendly waste management system,
BKISZ III. Dél-budai felvezetés 2
As part of the Southern Buda main network, the Southern Buda link-up for the BCISD (Budapest Complex Integrated Sewage Disposal)
Villamospálya- és útfelújítás a Görgey Artúr utcában 3
In Budapest’s District IV, Colas Alterra Zrt. is to give Görgey Artúr Street a complete, wall-to-wall makeover between István Road
Villamosalagút átépítés a Clark Ádám téren 4
Colas Alterra Zrt. is remodelling the tramway tunnel located at the right bank bridgehead of Budapest’s Chain Bridge. Essentially, the
Óbudai csatornarekonstrukció 1
Colas Alterra’s crews are engaged in works on Bécsi Road in District III of the Hungarian capital. The junction at
Csatornarekonstrukciós munkák Budapest belvárosában
As part of the investment carried out by FCSM Zrt., we performed sewer reconstruction works under Balassi Street in Budapest’s
The works are to be completed in two phases: in the first of those, we will build a 250-metre-long DN
Kondoros szennyvíztisztító 1
Colas Alterra undertook the construction works for the village’s wastewater treatment plant in May 2013 as the subcontractor of Duna
Beregi komplex árapasztási és ártér-revitalizációs fejlesztés 1
In the past decades, flood levels have been steadily increasing in the Upper-Tisza region, resulting in severe floods inflicting heavy
Budapesti 1-es villamos vonal felújítása (Kerepesi út-Fehérvári út) 6
The consortium uniting A-Híd Építő Zrt. and Colas Alterra Zrt. was also commissioned with renovating the next leg between the
Keszthely szennyvíztisztító telep 2
In consortium with Szabadics Zrt, Alterra’s Székesfehérvár-based division kicked off the reconstruction of the local wastewater treatment plant in Keszthely,
Budapesti 1-es villamos vonal felújítása (Bécsi út-Kerepesi út)
On 16 August 2013, the Centre for Budapest Transport signed the contract with the consortium founded by Colas Alterra and
Csatornarekonstrukciós munkák a XXII. kerületben 1
The reconstruction, involving the building of brand new main lines was crucial, since the existing wastewater- and rainwater discharge lines
Budapest Komplex Integrált Szennyvízelvezetése (BKISZ) II/3 és 5 2
Leading the consortium formed with Dunaaszfalt Kft and Mészáros és Mészáros Kft, Colas Alterra won the tender for work phases
Szennyvíz-rekonstrukció Tolnán 2
The consortium of Colas Alterra and Alisca Bau was awarded the pressure line reconstruction works in connection with modernisation of
Ádánd szennyvízhálózat
The village of Ádánd is located in the Sió Valley, one of the popular holiday destinations near Lake Balaton in
Baross tér felszíni rendezés 4
The wall-to-wall reconstruction of the square was awarded to the SC BAROSS 2012 Consortium uniting STRABAG MML Kft. and Colas
Tápió-menti régió szennyvízrendszer 1
The wastewater drainage and treatment project of the Tápió region comprises the entire wastewater network for 20 settlements. The project
Duna projekt - ADU-1, KODU-2 4
The Danube project is one of Hungary's largest flood control investments. Related flood-prevention upgrades are to be executed between Győr
Miskolc biogáz üzem 2
The biogas plant poses a solution for utilising wastewater sludge generated in Miskolc and the surrounding agglomeration. The major structures
Colas Hungária